It is a great joy to develop the Art Around Burbank website. It is a thrill to be surprised by art in my daily routine and be able to share it with you. As you can see from the menu above, the website is expanding beyond the blog to include other visual art resources.
I would like to buy the domain name so that Art Around Burbank can stand on it’s own, and drop the weebly host name. The one year cost is $50. If you can and are willing to donate any amount, even as little as one dollar, I will gladly accept your help!
If you are local, I’ll come to receive the money from you and give you a big hug in return! To anyone who donates the full $50, I will give you your choice of one of my 5 x 7 original acrylic paintings on paper.
Thank you for your consideration! Click to donate
Peace, Lisa PH Caddel